Make it Last
Volume Screw inserts are going to prevent those blow outs and prolong the life of your volumes. If you do not know about volume screw inserts, you need to insert the knowledge into your brain.
Escape Climbing has done it again, providing us with the professional quality goods. In the past when attaching volumes to the wall it was commonplace to just have drilled holes for the screws. These holes over time and with excessive use blew out, caused chips, and at some point made the volume a safety hazard. It would be necessary to drill new holes next to the old ones, chop off the bottom and then make new holes, or (sadly the worst) retire the volumes.
Those days are a thing of the past now, for technology and trail and error has brought us innovation. The innovation is in the from of Escape Climbing’s Volume screw inserts. (if the link is not active or the item is unavailable check out Escape Climbing’s site directly). Made with zinc plated steel (same as the T -nuts) and specifically designed for wood volumes. They are the washer that are friction fit to be inserted with ease and made to stay with repeated use.
The blow outs, chips, and utter destruction of your volume investments needs to be protected and the volume screw inserts do just that. They will add more life to your volumes and save you from future headaches.

To learn how to insert volume screw inserts and more about making professional climbing volumes buy the book. It comes with many designs (dimensions and angles) and all the knowledge you need to make them yourself.